Brexit and UK flagged yachts
Latest Italian news on Brexit of the Italian Customs Authority
On the 29th of January, the European Parliament gathered in plenary session in Brussels, where they voted and ratified the text of the United Kingdom's withdrawal agreement from the European Union.
It was the last step that was still missing to formalize the agreement, on the text that was approved on October 17th, 2019 by the European Council (with the Political Declaration on the framework for future relations) and on January 9th 2020 by the British Parliament’s House of Commons, to then be ratified on January 22nd 2020 by the Upper House of the United Kingdom and countersigned on January 24th 2020 by Queen Elizabeth II.
The Italian Customs Authority released on the 28th of January a communication reminding that this agreement regulates the British withdrawal in an orderly manner for citizens and companies, providing for a transitional period from February 1st to December 31st, 2020. Until the end of 2020, therefore, everything remains unchanged:
EU legislation and procedures on the free movement of people, services, capital and goods will remain in force in the United Kingdom.
All above said, by 2020 the British flag will continue to be part of the Union territory in full; yachts registered under this Register, until December 31st 2020, keeps a free circulation regime in the Union territory (after proving to have paid VAT in an EU country) and continues to be unable to apply for these yachts the customs procedure for temporary admission.
Throughout 2020, the transactions between Union economic operators, sent or transported from the United Kingdom to another of the 27 EU countries or vice versa will continue to be governed by the provisions of the internal regulations for "intra-Community transactions”, in relation to which the obligation to submit Intrastat summary lists, where due.
Therefore, only after December 31st 2020, unless otherwise agreed, the United Kingdom will no longer be part of the customs and tax territory (VAT and excise duties) of the European Union.
From January 1st 2021 the movement of goods between the UK and the EU will therefore be considered trade with a third country. By that date, the European Union and the United Kingdom will, however, be able to establish clear and more advantageous rules for goods entering, leaving or passing through the customs and tax territory of the Union and the United Kingdom. Year 2020 will therefore be the year of negotiations between the United Kingdom and the European Union (and its countries).