Louis Vuitton America's Cup

Louis Vuitton America's Cup

Rerun of the start of the Louis Vuitton America's Cup Challenger Playoffs


11/08/2017 - 11:46

The Louis Vuitton America’s Cup Challenger Playoffs are set to commence today (Monday) with the rerun of yesterday’s (Sunday, June 4) four postponed races due to take place on the Great Sound. In the day’s first race Peter Burling and Emirates Team New Zealand take on Sir Ben Ainslie’s Land Rover BAR, then Dean Barker’s SoftBank Team Japan line up against Nathan Outteridge and Artemis Racing. Races three and four are Land Rover BAR vs Emirates Team New Zealand and Softbank Team Japan against Artemis Racing.

Mother Nature put paid to race action yesterday, with winds over the Great Sound racecourse remaining below the minimum six knot limit that the America’s Cup Class (ACC) boats compete in.

However, with winds predicted to reach the required 6-24 knot range needed to race today, action is set to return with the two intriguing Louis Vuitton America’s Cup Challenger Playoffs semi-final matchups, as each team aims to gain the early advantage in the battle for a place in the Louis Vuitton America’s Cup Challenger Playoffs Final.

Race Schedule
Race 1: Emirates Team New Zealand vs Land Rover BAR (14:08pm)
Race 2: Artemis Racing vs SoftBank Team Japan (14:37pm)
Race 3: Land Rover BAR vs Emirates Team New Zealand (15:06pm)
Race 4: SoftBank Team Japan vs Artemis Racing (15:35pm)

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