Sealence Spa SB: results of the funding round as of December 15, 2023

Sealence Spa SB: results of the funding round as of December 15, 2023

Sealence Spa SB: results of the funding round as of December 15, 2023


30/01/2024 - 10:19

In connection with the funding round closed on December 15th, the company announces the achieved results.

The total cash raised amounted to €7,556,386.25, obtained through equity instruments, debt, and grants, the latter mainly supporting Experimental Research and Industrial Development activities. Regarding the grants, Sealence specifies that there are still amounts, including significant ones, that will be collected in the coming months as the underlying projects progress.

The round involved 175 investors, including Institutional Investors and major Credit Institutions, as well as Professional, Industrial, and Private Investors. The total number of investors in the cap table now reaches 573. The total fundraising since the start of the industrial plan activities (2019) stands at approximately €16.5 million, while investments made in Industrial Research and Experimental Development activities amount to around €9 million.

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